Mima Jankovic

Mima Jankovic has created several TV series and has more than 5,000 performances as an actress, playwright and director in more than 1,500 cities

Mima Jankovic is a theatre artist (actress, director and playwright) born in the former Yugoslavia, today Serbia. Her professional trajectory draws the map of what has been and what is within her concept of "theatre of synthesis". She has written and directed 48 plays in her prolific career. Mima Jankovic created several series for the national television of the former Yugoslavia, performed more than 5,000 performances as an actress, playwright and director in more than 1,500 cities around the world and has received more than 30 national and international awards for her artistic work.

Founder of Teatro Pho (Teatro Fénix)

In 1974 she founded, together with Bane Jankovic, Teatro Pho under the name Teatro Fénix (Phoenix Theatre), a company that participated in 53 national and international festivals and gained great recognition in the country. Teatro Fénix (Teatro Pho in Spain) was born as the first independent theatre company within the communist regime of the former Yugoslavia, in a permanent search for freedom of thought and artistic expression.

Outstanding National Artist

In 1991 she was awarded the honorary award of Outstanding National Artist of Yugoslavia for her artistic and social work in recognition of her dedication and commitment throughout her professional career. Mima directed 68 shows for the National Theatres and the accredited state puppet theatres of ex-Yugoslavia, and participated in the founding of the unique Children's Theatres that opened in seven of the most important national theatres in Serbia. During the war in Yugoslavia (1991-1999) she worked as an Ambassador of Theatre Art for refugee children in collaboration with the Serbian Red Cross, for which her company received the "Silver Seal" award. In 1996/97 she was appointed General Director of the National Puppet Theatre in Nis, Serbia.

In Spain

In 2010 Mima wrote her first play in Spanish entitled "Algo que quería ser alguien", and directed it through Teatro Pho. The play premiered that same year at the Teatro Principal in Castellón and from 2012 she began to highlight her work in Spain with the creation and direction of plays such as "Words of Love" (Teatro Pho & Synergic Art Hub, 2012), "El carnaval de los animales" (Teatro Pho, 2013). In 2014 Mima Jankovic was chosen to direct the staging of "Il Casanova" by Johan de Meij, an ambitious artistic innovation project promoted by the Instituto Valenciano de Cultura de la Generalitat Valenciana. In 2016, he proposed a multidisciplinary performance experiment entitled "Infinito", produced by Teatro Pho and Diputación de Castellón, with the participation of more than 15 guest artists, whose individual careers stand out in each of their fields. In 2018, a new phase begins in the development of an ambitious project called "Etude #0", seeking to overcome the limits of stage language and performance with a single actor, using technological resources with the collaboration of Santi Vilanova, Manel Brancal and Toni Jodar.


She currently carries out experimental projects, directs multidisciplinary and transmedia artistic shows, and collaborates with different platforms and theatre collectives. Mima is constantly working on her concept of "theatre of synthesis".

Mima Jankovic


National and international festivals in which has been participated:

Festival de Teatro de Marionetas Belgrado / Serbia Bienal Yugoslava de Marionetas Bugojno / Bosnia (participa en 17 ediciones) Festival Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj Novi Sad / Serbia (participa en 18 ediciones) Festival Nacional "Sterijino Pozorje" de Teatros de Drama Novi Sad / Serbia Festival de Monodrama y Pantomima Zemun / Serbia Festival Internacional de Títeres en Esperanto (PIF) Zagreb / Croacia Festival de Verano de Dubrovnik Croacia / Yugoslavia (participa en 2 ediciones) Festival de "los Niños" (Djeteta) Sibenik / Croacia Festival de Teatro para Niños de Kotor Montenegro / Yugoslavia (participa en 3 ediciones) Festival "Budva Grad Teatar" Montenegro / Yugoslavia Festival Internacional de Títeres d’Ontinyent Valencia / España Festival Internacional de Títeres Upsala Suecia Festival Internacional de Títeres Sodertalje Suecia Festival Internacional de Títeres Opol Polonia Festival Internacional de Títeres de Barcelona España Festival Internacional de Títeres Bialystok / Polonia Festival de Títeres en Miniatura Plovdiv / Bulgaria (participa en 2 ediciones) Festival del Humor Gabrovo / Bulgaria Festival Internacional de Bengazi Libia Festival de Teatro de Títeres de los Balcanes Sofía / Bulgaria Festival de Teatro de Títeres de los Balcanes Nis / Serbia Festival de Teatro de Títeres de El Retiro de Madrid España (participa en 2 ediciones) Festival Internacional de Teatro de Viladecans España (participa en 2 ediciones) Festival de Teatros Estatales de Títeres Nis / Serbia Festival de Teatros Estatales de Títeres Zrenjanin / Serbia Festival de Teatros Estatales de Títeres Kragujevac / Serbia Festival de Teatros Estatales de Títeres Subotica / Serbia Festival de Teatro de Montegiorgio Italia Festival de Títeres de Szczecin Polonia Festival Internacional de Teatro Lisboa (Capital Europea de la Cultura)


National and international awards for the artistic work:

Premio PUP al Mejor Espectáculo en "Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo" Premio PUP a la Mejor Actriz Principal "Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo" Premio PUP a la Comunicación con el Público "Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo" Premio PUP por la utilización del Esperanto en la escena "Pupteatra Internacia Festivalo" Premio "Joakim Vujic" de Interpretación Premio Mejor Interpretación de la Unión Estatal de Artistas de Drama Insignia de Oro de la Bienal de Títeres de Yugoslavia por la Divulgación y el Enaltecimiento, otorgando prestigio y reconocimiento al arte de títeres en Yugoslavia Premio a la Mejor Interpretación Bialystok Polonia Premio al Mejor Espectáculo en el Festival "The Puppet-Theatre Miniature for Adults" de Plovdiv Bulgaria Reconocimiento Especial por la extraordinaria creación del espectáculo "Djiha Djiha" en memoria del 150 aniversario del nacimiento de Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj (reconocido poeta yugoslavo) Premio Especial NoviSad a la Contribución y Popularización de la literatura infantil en Yugoslavia Premio al Mejor Actor Titiritero en la Bienal de Títeres de Yugoslavia Premio al Mejor Espectáculo otorgado por la TV de Sarajevo Insignia de Oro de la Bienal de Títeres de Yugoslavia a la Mejor Interpretación actoral en el espectáculo de propia autoría "Miniaturas" Premio Ciudad de Nis por su contribución a la cultura de la ciudad Premio "Učitelj Tasa" de la Junta de Cultura de Ciudad Nis (Serbia) por los altos resultados obtenidos en fomento de la cultura, con sus obras teatrales Premio al Mejor Espectáculo por "Pequeña Libélula" en la XXIV Bienal de los Teatros Nacionales dd Títeres en Zrenjanin Serbia Premio a la Mejor Dirección por el espectáculo "Las plumas de la garza" en la XXV Bienal de los Teatros Nacionales de Títeres en Nis Serbia.

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